OpenTalks.AI /
6-7 March 2023
Yerevan, Armenia

Submit Proposal

We are announcing an open call for papers and proposals (collection of applications for reports) for everyone. The best reports and panel sections are selected by the Program Committee and from them, as well as from invited speakers, a program is formed.

To submit your proposal, you need to follow the link at the bottom of this page, register in the LOMONOSOV Science Network and submit an application, including a topic, abstract, slides and / or article.

The first collection of applications takes place until 23:59
December 12, 2022

Until January 15, 2023, the Program Committee will consider the submitted proposals and select the best reports and sessions, forming the preliminary program of the Conference. Approved presenters will have time to finalize their presentations.

The terms of participation

Invited speakers participate in the conference free of charge.

Speakers who submitted a report and approved by the Program Committee participate in the conference free of charge.

Speakers who have submitted a report and are not approved by the Program Committee can participate in the conference on preferential terms, 50% of the registration cost at the time of submission of the report.

* the program committee may refuse to provide preferential conditions for registration in case of low quality of the application for the report.

Paper requirements

We give speakers the right to decide for themselves in which language they will speak. We recommend making slides in English. We expect performances mainly in English. Slides format - 16x9. We accept presentations in *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf

15 minutes are allotted for presentations in business sections, including answers on questions. Presentation should avoid excessive advertising and highly specialized topics, focus on specific cases of AI implementation, provide specific numbers (what technologies have been implemented, what has it improved, what is the cost-effectiveness of implementation)

In sections for developers, 15 minutes are allotted for presentations, including answers on questions, the topic of presentations is methods and tools in AI for solving applied problems. Tell the business audience in a language understandable to the business what the problem was, how it was solved, what results were obtained and compare them with other methods.

Scientific sections will be held in the format of separate reports for 20-30 minutes (depending on the session), including answers on questions. The reports should focus on the fundamental scientific novelty.

Paper requirements

We give speakers the right to decide for themselves in which language they will speak. We recommend making slides in English. We expect performances mainly in English. Slides format - 16x9. We accept presentations in *.ppt, *.pptx, *.pdf

15 minutes are allotted for presentations in business sections, including answers on questions. Presentation should avoid excessive advertising and highly specialized topics, focus on specific cases of AI implementation, provide specific numbers (what technologies have been implemented, what has it improved, what is the cost-effectiveness of implementation)

In sections for developers, 15 minutes are allotted for presentations, including answers on questions, the topic of presentations is methods and tools in AI for solving applied problems. Tell the business audience in a language understandable to the business what the problem was, how it was solved, what results were obtained and compare them with other methods.

Scientific sections will be held in the format of separate reports for 20-30 minutes (depending on the session), including answers on questions. The reports should focus on the fundamental scientific novelty.

Call for talks is closed

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